Casting Vision for the New Year

Casting Vision for the New Year | Life Designer University -- What’s your vision for the New Year? Oftentimes we fail to reach our goals when we don’t have vision to guide us forward.  Learn how you can cast your vision for the New Year in today’s b…

Do you have a vision for your life? What about your vision for the year? Oftentimes we don’t make it to our destination because we’re navigating through life blindly. Vision gives direction. That’s why the Bible stresses the importance of having one and working towards it. (See Proverbs 29:18, Habakkuk 2:2-3) So what is your vision for the year? Where do you want to be by the end of it? What do you hope to accomplish? How will you make the most of the year to come? Vision gives direction by helping you chart out the course to your desired destination. Design your year by setting aside time to cast the vision for it.

Understand your starting point.

Before you can move forward, it’s so important that you understand where you are now. Where are you at right now in your life? What is your situation? What circumstances are you dealing with? How are you feeling? Take inventory of every area of your life: health, finances, relationship, friendships, career, spiritual/personal growth, self-care. Understanding where you are starting will help you determine the areas the Lord may be calling you to cultivate and tend to in this season.

Determine your destination.

Once you know your starting point, you can determine where you want to go. Cast your vision for the year ahead. Envision what you would like your New Year to look like. Think about what you want to accomplish. Imagine the places you would like to go, the lives you would like to touch, and the impact that you would like to make. This vision will serve as your guide for the choices, decisions, and actions you’ll take as you chart out your starting steps.

Identify what needs to change.

Now that you understand where you’re starting and you’ve determined where you want to go, now it’s time to identify what needs to change to get you there. What are you tolerating now that won’t serve you moving forward? What areas of your life need pruning? Identify what needs to change to get you where you want to be and how you will focus on getting there.

Correct your course.

Identifying what needs to improve is only half of the battle. To make effective change and bring breakthrough you have to correct your course by taking the proper actions. What different course of actions do you need to take to get you to your desired outcome? What are some starting steps you can take to make progress in your life, calling, and goals? You can’t expect a different outcome without changing your behavior. Course correcting will help you to get back on track to accomplishing your goals.

Begin the journey.

It’s important to keep in mind that it’s often not about accomplishing the goal itself but who you become along the way. You are a different person today than you were when the year began. Instead of focusing so much on achieving, focus on becoming the woman who is suited and equipped for the call. Leave the results in God’s hands and focus on evolving into who He has called you to be and do this year. Don’t just blindly navigate your way through the year. Set your direction and intention by casting your vision. Know where you are starting and where you are going. Then identify what needs to change, not being afraid to course-correct along the way. Doing this will equip you for the journey as you become all God is calling to you be and to accomplish this year.

For more on how to design your year with vision, purpose, and intention, download the free Design Your Year Lifestyle Guide.

For more on how to design your year with vision, purpose, and intention, click the button below to download the free Design Your Year Lifestyle Guide.

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Want to learn more about how you can cast the vision for the year to come? Register for Your Purposeful Year: a 2-part group coaching & masterclass series created to help you design your year with vision, purpose, and intention. Click here to learn more and register.


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