How to Stay Focused During the Suffering & Waiting

How to Stay Focused During the Suffering & Waiting | Fearfully Fashioned -- Are you losing focus? Even in the midst of suffering and waiting, you must remember that God has the final word. Press into His Holy Spirit & stay focused with this free Scr…

Are you losing focus? Lately, the Lord has shown me that I've lost focus. I've forgotten His power. I've forgotten His promises. Instead, I've been focusing on my emotions and the severity of my situation. I've taken my focus off the cross and put it in my circumstances. Can you relate? Have you found yourself in a similar situation?


Life is real. Sometimes, we find ourselves in situations where we've let our problems speak louder than God's promises. That's when His voice becomes distant and the enemy's voice becomes near. If we let him, the enemy will magnify our problems to the point where that's all we can focus on. We forget about God's track record of faithfulness. We diminish the Lord's power and providence, and before we know it, our problems become our god. They've become our idols.


That's what happens when you lose focus. You're ruled by your trials and situations instead of the promises and power of God's Word. But even in the midst of suffering and waiting, you MUST remember that God has the final word. What you are going through pales in comparison to the glory of what is to come. You have to stay focused. Focused on His promises. Focused on His Word. Focused on His character. Why? Because His strength gives you the patience to wait and the perseverance to endure.


We must remember that the waiting and suffering are a part of His plan. It’s during this season where He purifies and refines our character. He strengthens us with the boldness and courage to not back down from our trials and situations. He’s calling you to stay focused, and here’s how you can do that.


Remember your why.

What is your aim with pursuing your purpose? What are you aiming to accomplish? Why do you want to accomplish it? This is your why. It’s your motivation behind the wait or behind why you do what you do. Hold on to it every step of the way. Your why will encourage you to keep moving forward when the odds are against you.


Keep your eyes on the eternal.

We lose focus because our vision is fixed on temporary things. Your trials, suffering, and waiting are all temporary. They ebb and flow and change with the seasons. God, however, is immutable. He doesn’t change. He’s constant and consistent, and His plan for you stays the same. When you fix your eyes on Him and the eternal, you see the bigger picture. You’re no longer as distracted by your situation because you remember that there’s an overarching purpose for your waiting and suffering that triumphs over your temporary situation.


Let the Holy Spirit help you in your weakness.

Romans 8:25-28 (NLT) reminds us, "But if we look forward to something we don't have yet, we must wait patiently and confidently. And the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness. For example, we don't know what God wants us to pray for. But the Holy Spirit prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words. And the Father who knows all hearts knows what the Spirit is saying, for the Spirit pleads for us believers in harmony with God's own will. And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose for them." He knows the suffering that you're going through. He knows how difficult it is to wait, but you've got to stay focused. When you're feeling weak, press into His presence. Pray in the Spirit. He wants to advocate on your behalf.


You have to realize that where your focus goes your energy flows, so if you continue to put your focus on worry, anxiety, and the bleakness of your situation, your energy will be drained there. Instead, focus your energy on Christ and the veracity of His promises. He’s never failing, and His Word doesn’t return void. Stay focused. As you stay steadfast while you wait patiently and confidently, remember that He's working everything out for your good. Just keep the faith and stay focused.


If you find yourself losing focus during your season of suffering and waiting, the best way to encourage yourself is with His Word. That’s why I’ve created this free Scripture Guide. Click the button below to download yours. Let this Scripture Guide comfort you during this trying season. (Please Note: This Scripture guide is available to Fearfully Fashioned subscribers in the Resource Closet. Click here to log-in).

How do you stay focused during the suffering & waiting? Let me know in the comments below?


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