How to Choose the Right Accountability Partner

How to Choose the Right Accountability Partner | Life Designer University -- Do you find yourself flaking on your goals? Discovery the #1 thing you must have in place to achieve your God-given goals this year.  | #accountabilitypartner #aaccountabil…

Do you find yourself getting to the end of every year with little to nothing accomplished? 

Maybe you started the year with all the motivation. You dreamed, set your goals, and maybe even created a plan but by the second week of February, you found yourself falling off the New Year bandwagon. Well, you’re not alone. Statistics show that 92% of people actually fail to reach their New Year resolutions and goals and about 80% fall off by February 13th thus rolling over those same goals to the next year. And while yes some people may attribute this reason to a motivation or discipline problem, I believe it is an accountability problem.

Many people will never accomplish their God-given goals not because of a lack of vision or because they don’t have a plan but because they don’t have anyone holding them accountable. Proverbs 11:14 tells us that "where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety,” proving that it is not enough just to set goals. Accountability and wise counsel help us to make those goals happen. Research has proven that you’re 65% more likely to achieve your goals when you have accountability and 95% more likely when you’re having regular meetings with them. So who is holding you accountable?

If you find that you have a hard time reaching your goals, it could be because you don’t have accountability. Here are some tips on how to appoint the right kind of accountability in your life.

Appoint accountability that is committed to your success.

The right accountability is going to be invested in your life, calling, and goals. They not only want to see you win, they want to play a role in your success. Therefore, they’re going to hold you accountable by reminding you to stay on track.

Appoint accountability that is going to be consistent.

The best accountability will consistently show up for you all year round and encourage you to keep getting after your goals. Set aside some time to regularly meet with your accountability partner to discuss your progress and plan of attack. Having regular check-ins with your accountability will keep you focused on your goals, disciplined in your efforts, and committed to the process because you’ll be cognizant of how you’re spending their time, thus making you more serious and prepared.

Appoint accountability that will challenge you.

The right accountability won’t coddle you, they will challenge you in the pursuit of your purpose, calling, and goals. They will make you stand up and rise to the occasion despite how you feel. If your accountability isn’t sharpening you (Proverbs 27:17), they are probably dulling your vision, capabilities, and efforts. Find someone who isn’t afraid of reminding you of who you are and what God is calling you to do.

Appoint accountability that will cheer you on.

The right accountability partner will be your greatest cheerleader.  When you encounter unexpected detours and face major disappointments, good accountability will edify and encourage you, not tear you down in the process. Make sure you find accountability that is going to offer you the love, support, and encouragement you need to keep going.

Appoint accountability that will keep you committed.

If your accountability partner doesn’t remind you of why you got started in the first place, they’re not the right kind of accountability. When your faith is waning and your flesh is winning, the right accountability is going to remind you of your commitment and the promises of God over your life.

Are you in need of accountability? Great sources of accountability can be a friend, family member, pastor, mentor, or a coach who is invested in your life, vision, and goals. Find someone who has your best in mind and will hold you accountable all year long.

At Life Designer University, we offer coaching that not only gives you accountability but the strategy for how to pursue your purpose, calling, and goals in all seasons. Click the button to learn more about our coaching programs and apply for a free Discovery Session.

For more on how to design your New Year with vision, purpose, and intention, click the button below to download the free Design Your Year Lifestyle Guide.

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